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Responding to 9/11 Terrorism,         
                   with The Fullness of Life.


In the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the news media and the internet are overflowing with a plethora of opinions about who should do what to whom. It seems that nearly everyone is using the present turmoil to fight for their own personal viewpoint and self-centered agenda. 

However, beyond such mundane viewpoints and petty agendas there is a Greater Agenda which we are invited to respond to. 

As Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi said:

Out beyond ideas of 
    wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. 

I'll meet you there.

All too often we are distracted by the shiny, sparkling trinkets of the moment and we completely lose sight of  That Which is really important. 

It is abhorrent that over 2800 people were killed during the September 11th terrorist attacks, but that is actually less that half the number of  people than die due to "normal" causes in the US every day, year after year.

 Shouldn't we honor every life, all of Life?

-  There were 2,404,624 deaths in the United States in the year 2000.

-  In the United States there are approximately:

          6,588 deaths every day,

        13,651 deaths every week due to heart disease,

        10,612 deaths every week due to cancer,

        41,804 deaths every year due to automobile crashes,

        16,137 deaths every year due to homicide.

Yes, over 24,000 people die every week due to cancer and heart disease in the United States!

Where is the outrage at over 40,000 Americans being killed by fellow Americans in automobile accidents each year?

Where is the outrage at nearly 20,000 Americans being murdered by fellow Americans each year?

Why don't those deaths, week after week, year after year, prompt outrage such as the government and media have aroused with the "terrorists"?

Isn't it remarkable how little attention we pay to the 24,000 deaths every week due to heart disease and cancer in the United States?

Isn't it remarkable how little attention is paid to over 40,000 Americans being killed by fellow Americans in automobile accidents each year

Isn't it remarkable how little attention is paid to nearly 20,000 Americans being murdered each year by fellow Americans?

The news media and the government, for the benefit of their own self-centered agendas, try to get us outraged over some specific issues while all too often ignoring or overlooking greater issues.

For example, the news media and our own government get us all riled up over "terrorism", but they fail to look truthfully at the underlying cause or peaceful solutions.

Fortunately, Life goes on, and each day brings us new opportunities to discover the inner peace, love and understanding which are our Divine Birthright.

Every living thing will die, yet we are all given a measure of free-will to choose how to live the days that we are blessed with. So, how will you live your remaining days? Will you live your remaining days with hatred, anger and violence, or will you choose a path of Love, Harmony and Beauty? There is no higher calling than to honor and glorify our Creator by living an unselfish life filled with love, compassion and joy.

Nonetheless, there is a silver lining to this dark cloud. The terrorist attacks and the ensuing "war on terrorism" have given us cause and opportunity to re-examine our own personal life priorities. What is really important? Money? A big house? A fancy car? Violence? Anger? Hatred? There is nothing of real importance other than living an active, unselfish life filled with loving-kindness, compassion and joy. There is no enduring happiness for anyone who is not engaged in being a willing instrument of the ever-loving Divine Presence, bringing gifts such as love, compassion and joy into this world in every moment of every day.

We can only honor those who have gone before us by living and honoring life in a sacred manner which acknowledges the spark of Divine Presence in every human being. 

Beyond names, beyond forms, there is a Reason. And that Beloved Reason urges us onward, enticing us in one moment, defeating us in another moment, that we may each finally discover the Fullness of Life which arises when we live every moment with loving-kindness, compassion and joyful tolerance for all.


...there is a field. 

I'll meet you there.


Wishing you love, harmony and beauty,

posted June 23, 2002... revised Jul 10, 2018

Appendix A.  US Statistics

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, there were 2,404,624 deaths in the United States in the year 2000.

Here is a summary of the major causes of US deaths in the year 2000:

1    Diseases of heart ...........................................................709,894

2    Malignant neoplasms ......................................................551,833

3   Cerebrovascular diseases ..............................................166,028

4    Chronic lower respiratory diseases  ..............................123,550

5    Accidents (unintentional injuries).......................................93,592

      ...Motor vehicle accidents ................41,804       

      ...All other accidents ........................51,788

6    Diabetes mellitus ................................................................68,662

7    Influenza and pneumonia  ..................................................67,024

8    Alzheimer’s disease .........................................................49,044

9     Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis ...................37,672

10   Septicemia ........................................................................ 31,613

11   Intentional self-harm (suicide) .......................................... 28,332

12   Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis .................................. 26,219

13   Essential hypertension and hypertensive renal.................17,964

14   Pneumonitis due to solids and liquids ................................16,659

15   Assault (homicide).............................................................16,137

All other causes .....................................................................400,401

Annual Total, year 2000.......................................................2,404,624