The Uplifter, The Exalter
The One whose wisdom chooses the ones to be
The One who uplifts and elevates mankind above
petty desires and selfishness.
The One who makes it possible to rise above the
differences and distinctions that divide mankind.
From the root r-f-' which has the
following classical Arabic connotations:
to raise or elevate something
to uplift, to take it up
to make high, lofty
to exalt, make honorable, make eminent
to bring a thing near
The name Rāfi' is not specifically used
as a Beautiful Name in the Qur'ān.
Rāfi' (uplifter) is the opposite of Khāfid
The names Khāfid and Rāfi' are often used
together to acknowledge the way that balance and harmony are established and
maintained though the interplay of cause and effect.
Mu'izz (honorer) is similar to, but much more
more intensive and glorious than, Rāfi' (uplifter).
The phrase al Khāfid ur Rāfi' is
often used to honor these complimentary attributes.

(Also written as al-rafi, ar-rafi, al-raafi, ar-raafi, the Uplifter: ya
rafi ,ya raafi)