The Guide, The Leader, The Guide of the Right PathThe One who continually shows the right way. The One who kindly guides aright. The One who sends prophets and messengers to guide mankind. The One who guides hearts to a knowledge of the Divine essence. The One who is the source of all guidance. The
One who faithfully continues to guide aright until the goal is finally attained. From the root h-d-y which has the following classical Arabic connotations:
This name is used in the Qur'ān. For example, see 25:31 Rashīd refers primarily to being directed to, or set upon, the appointed
right path with supreme certainty of the intended outcome, while Hādī refers
primarily to the continuing guidance, leadership and direction that is kindly
provided to reach the path and also along the path until the goal is achieved. (Also written as al-hadi, al-haadee, the guide: ya hadi, ya haadee) |