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Life... ya gotta be doin' something...


2003 Adventures

Updated:  18-Oct-2005              


Brrr.... Cold here in Colorado.

I spent the month working on software for an electronic product and am still working every available hour of the day and night on the web site.... so much to do...



My dear friend Christine gave me an Amaryllis bulb a couple of months ago... and it is blooming already!!

How magnificent...





Still working on the new web pages....



This is the way springtime is here in Colorado...

one day the ducks are just wandering around in the back yard....




and then next day it is snowing...




This is the strangest bird....

about 50 times a day for three weeks, this same bird flew right into this same window... kabamm... over and over and over again.... kabamm.

I decided that he must be some sort of bird scientist, working on new theory about windows... he finally completed his experiments after about three weeks.



springtime is so beautiful....


the ducks and the heron wandering around in my back yard....



 Then off to Canyonlands National Park in Utah for a four-day weekend of Dances of Universal Peace, amidst the rocks and sand and trees and springtime flowers.

That's me with the guitar in the center of the picture on the right... leading a dance in the Split Top Cave.




June was quite a delightful month.

I had the wonderful opportunity to spend a week with my Mevlevi family on Whibey Island, Washington.

The entire week was spent rehearsing for a public performance in Seattle.


You can read much more about the experience on my turning page.


The picture on the left was taken by Lee Guthrie during the Seattle sema... the evening was quite magnificent.





A trip to Durango, Colorado in July.

It's now the end of spring in the high mountains and is finally dry enough to go for an easy hike up to a ridge where our dear friend Linda used to love to come and s it and survey the world.



Susan, Bob, John and I all had a magnificent hike up to Linda's overlook.



A special treat for July was that my brother Larry and his wife Julie stopped by for the afternoon. They live in Florida, and we had not seen each other face-to-face for quite a number of years.







Off to Orvis Hot Springs near Ouray, Colorado.... and then to a music festival just outside of Paonia, Colorado....

The picture on the left is my dear friend Celeste, yakking on the phone, cuddled comfortably in her yurt...

and the picture on the right is where I was camped near Ouray for a few nights after the music festival.


Then I headed down to Durango and then on to Tucson, where dear Susan has been working a temporary job as a physical therapist at a nursing home.

 We meandered out into the Indian reservation where many of her clients live, and then on over to the wonderful little desert community of Ajo.

The picture on the left is Susan in the Ajo town square park.

And the picture on the right is another picture of  downtown Ajo





... am still working diligently on the web pages... now working on the Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of Allah web pages... this will take many months to complete....

 Since it seems that we can never fit a birthday dinner into our schedules around either of our birthdays, my friend Bonnie and I have our birthday dinners at most anytime of the year... September in this case... two months before her birthday and three months before mine.

 I was playing with her tiny little digital camera and took this picture of us after dinner.

Then, one of her twin daughters came home with an ear of corn, which of course I had to play with.... silliness.




What a delight in October...

A retreat in Texas with my beloved Sheikh Sherif Baba Çatalkaya of the Rifa'a-Marufi Order.

Baba is 'ishq on feet!....

Oh what a magnificent presence!

The picture of Baba on the left is just before the start of one of his morning sohbets (spiritual discourse).


And after the days with Baba, I headed (feet hardly touching the ground) over to Tucson to co-lead a special evening of Dances of Universal Peace with my dear Susan. It was Susan's last weekend in Tucson, so we decided to host an evening of dances as her going-away party.

Wow. What a wonderful evening of Dancing that was... the Tucson Dancers accepted us warmly and we had a terrific series of Dances.


Oh, how beautiful. The desert is in full bloom and greener than I've ever seen it. This is the rainy season in southern Arizona and everything is magnificently green and flowering.




Then up to Phoenix to meet-up with my longtime buddy... he's my former college roommate.... Bob and L ynda are in Phoenix at a business meeting, far, far from their home in Ohio.




November and December

... am still working diligently on the web pages... mostly working on the Ninety-Nine Beautiful Names of Allah web pages... this is a large project, and my skills at reading Arabic are quite limited, but getting better after hour upon hour of studying Arabic dictionaries and reference texts....  ----   Copyright © 1998- Richard Shelquist  All Rights Reserved ----- Richiard Shelquist, Colorado, USA -----  Copyright © 1998- Richard Shelquist  All Rights Reserved