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Life... ya gotta be doin' something...


2002 Adventures

Updated:  18-Oct-2005


I sometimes wonder why I live in Colorado.... the warm summers are great, but I really don't like cold weather. I guess I'm just to lazy to move.

I'll get warm....I have a trip planned to Mexico at the end of the month.



Ahhh... the beaches of Mexico. First, a  few days around the Cancun area, then down to a Dances of Universal Peace gathering in a little fishing village, called Puerto Morelos, for a week of dancing on the beach. Magnificent. A bit breezy, but it was 80 deg in the days and 70's at night. This weather suits me much better than Colorado.




My dear friend Christine had open-heart surgery to replace a damaged mitral valve. This is a picture of her strolling around just three days after open-heart surgery. Amazing.








Off to Moab, Utah for a few days in the area where the desert meets the rivers. There is sort of a mini-Grand Canyon in that spectacular area where the Colorado River has carved out its own passage-way.









 A delightful pair of ducks have moved into the area and like to stroll around my back yard before going for a swim in the irrigation ditch.

In early May, I headed off to Canyonlands National Park in southeastern Utah for a four day celebration of the Dances of Universal Peace.



 Following Canyonlands, Joy Morris invited me to lead an evening of dances in Torrey Utah, and that was quite a delightful experience. Some of the dancers that had been at Canyonlands came over to Torrey and we had a wonderful dance, and then went hiking the next day in a canyon in Capital Reef, climbing over and around half a dozen waterfalls.


For the Memorial Day weekend, May 24-27, I went down to Texas for a Sufi gathering in the magnificent countryside near Austin. The high points of that weekend were meeting the Turkish Sheikh Sherif Baba of the Rifa'i-Marufi order... and I also enjoyed meeting a family of armadillos that lived in the bushes alongside my tent.

After that gathering, I headed for the beaches of southern Texas.



 What a delightful way to start the month of June... just hanging out on the beach at South Padre Island, near Brownsville Texas..

My sister Vickie and her hubby Doug stopped by for a brief visit and we wandered up into the foothills.

Here's a picture of them sitting on my favorite rock in the South Saint Vrain creek between Lyons and Estes park.


Then over to Paonia, Colorado for a weekend of Dances of Universal Peace with Bernie Heideman and Evan Hodkins. And then down to Orvis Hot Springs and camping near Ouray.

At the left is a picture of the mountains just outside of Ouray, Colorado.



In July of 2002, I began work on the creation of the wahiduddin web site, which occupied virtually every hour of the day, and part of the night, through the end of 2002, and into much of 2003.

As a result of that work, the adventures diary becomes a bit sporadic here......



Wilderness dance camp, for the Dances of Universal Peace, was held in Camp Kiesel in the mountain foothills just east of Ogden, Utah. It was delightful... led by Shabda Kahn, Narayan Waldman, Bernie Heideman and many more. It was a wonderful way to spend a week dancing and singing with friends, old and new.

 There were guitar classes, drumming classes.... and dancing, dancing, dancing. Shabda Kahn gave talks in the afternoon and led raga classes in the morning.




... working on the web site....



Ahhhh... a week in the Arizona desert.

The desert is such a magical place... and I feel so at home, so at peace,  in the Sonoran desert of southern Arizona and northern Mexico.

and now... back to work on the web site...



.... web site work.... hundreds and hundreds of hours... a labor of love.



The Dances of Universal Peace gathering at Lava Hot Springs, Idaho is always a magnificent adventure for December.

My dear friend Linda is getting very tired, and probably will not live long enough to come to another of these December dances... the cancer is rather rapidly consuming her. She is remarkably at peace with whatever happens.


Birthday dinner... Thai food, with my friend Christine.  ----   Copyright © 1998- Richard Shelquist  All Rights Reserved ----- Richiard Shelquist, Colorado, USA -----  Copyright © 1998- Richard Shelquist  All Rights Reserved