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Social Gathekas

Brotherhood - 1

Social Gatheka Number 13

One can see the beginning of the spirit of brotherhood when one sees the flocks of birds flying in the sky together, when one see the herds of animals in the forest together and the swarms of little insects all living and moving together. No doubt in man this tendency of brotherhood is pronounced, for man is not only capable of realizing the spirit of brotherhood but of fulfilling that purpose which is hidden in this natural tendency. What is called good or bad, right or wrong, sin or virtue, the secret behind all this diversity is one, and this secret is that all that leads to happiness is right, is good, and is virtuous; all that leads to unhappiness that is wrong, that is evil, and if there is any sin, it is that which may be called sin. Then coming to the idea of brotherhood, it is not something which man has learned or acquired, it is something which is born in man, and according to the development of this spirit man shows the unfoldment of his soul.

Coming to the religions which have been given to the world, for instance, when we read in the bible the words of Jesus Christ, what do we read? 'Love your fellow man, love your neighbor,' from the beginning to the end. If there is any moral that the master taught and repeated constantly, it was this moral, the moral of brotherhood. The different religions which exist in the world, the followers of which are perhaps millions and millions, if one studies what is the central theme of it all? It is the one and same: Brotherhood, love one another, serve one another, be sincere one to the other.

But as man is more capable of loving his friend, so he is more capable of hating his neighbor. The first tendency of brotherhood, of love brings him satisfaction and happiness to the other. The other tendency of hating his brother brings him dissatisfaction, and unhappiness to the other. Brotherhood therefore is creative of happiness, and the spirit which is contrary to it, is productive of sorrow. When we read the scriptures of the great religions in this world, be it the Bible or Kabbala, or Quran, Gita, or the Buddhist scriptures, in some form or the other in the manner best suited to the people to whom the religion was given, it was the same moral, the same symphony, it was the same music which was performed before them. The great teachers of the world, were they especially engaged in giving the mystical or occult teachings to the world? Or were they engaged in discussing philosophical problems? Not at all, though they were mystics, they knew philosophy, they knew occultism. But that was not the principle thing they came to give. If ever they have done anything, or given to the world anything, it was that simple philosophy which is never new to anyone. Even a child knows, love one another, be kind, be sincere, be serviceable to one another.

And one might ask, 'When it is a simple thing, and so simple that even a child knows it, what necessity is there that the great ones, the Godly souls have come and taught it? It is most simple and yet most difficult to live, and man does not accept anything from someone who does not live it. And if he accepts it, he will not hold it for long. Therefore they came with love from above the world, and lived that simple moral, that simple philosophy of brotherhood. A Mongol emperor of Hindustan who was a great poet – in history we read his name, Chasnavi – writes: 'Born in a palace, and having reigned from the first day I came to earth, I saw nothing but thousands and thousands of people bowing before me. But the day in my life when I learned the first lesson in love, my proud head bent and bowed before every slave that I saw standing before me in attendance; and those who were standing before me as servants, I then felt that I was their slave.' What does it show? It shows that coldness of heart hardens one's feelings and closes one's eyes from that light which shows the path of brotherhood.

There are many relations, there are many connections in this world, by blood and by law also. But the great relationship is friendship. But what is the culmination of friendship? It is the culmination of friendship which is called brotherhood. Brotherhood means perfect friendship.