The All-Capable, The Most Able, The All-PowerfulThe One who possesses the power and the ability to measure-out anything and everything. The One who has the capability to make any decree and to determine what will be. The One whose decree determines the measure and distribution of all things. The One who does as He wills, acting or
not acting in accord with whatever He decides. From the root q-d-r which has the following classical Arabic connotations:
This name is used in the Qur'ān. For example, see 77:23, 6:37 Muqtadir is an intensive form of the root q-d-r which emphasizes the Supreme Power to enforce or enact whatever Divine wisdom decides; being omnipotent, having the ability to do everything. Qādir is a less intensive form of the root q-d-r which describes the attribute of being able to decree, ordain, appoint, measure-out, decide. These both involve power in the sense of power being the intention by which something comes into being according to a certain measure and a certain willful decree, as in saying 'kun' (Be!), and it is. Related names:
(Also written as al-qadir, al-qaadir, the Most Able: ya qadir, ya qaadir,) |