The Sustainer, The Nourisher, The Preserver, The Maintainer, The GuardianThe One who has the ability to nourish all of creation. The One who maintains all that exists. The One who oversees all things. The One who guards and preserves. The One who is the sustainer of all, the seen and the unseen, the outer and
the inner. From the root q-w-t which has the following classical Arabic connotations:
This name is used in the Qur'ān. For example, see 4:85 Sustenance includes not only a supply of food for the body, but also an endless supply of loving-kindness for the heart. (Also written as al-muqit, al-muqeet, al-muqiit, the Sustainer: ya muqit, ya muqeet, ya muqiit) |